Falls Prevention Training Programme Launched
5th October 2015
Medway College of Social Care is an advocate of Falls Prevention training. We recognise that care home workers require different skills and knowledge to Care Home Managers and Team Leaders. We are pleased to offer two new, day long falls prevention courses – one aimed at carers and care home workers and the other designed for Care Home Managers and Team Leaders.
Falls Prevention – Carers and Care Home Staff
Available Dates
- Tuesday 17 November 2015 – 9.30am – 4.15pm
- Tuesday 15 March 2016 – 9.30am – 4.15pm
Course philosophy
- To facilitate staff to reduce falls, fall related injuries and hospital admissions.
- To promote independence, health, well-being, quality of life for people who are at risk of falling.
- To support care home staff to be proactive in working as a team and implementing falls prevention measures.
Course objectives
- To provide information on the legislation surrounding falls prevention and to emphasise employer/employee duties under legislation.
- To increase knowledge of falls risks factors including those internal to the person and the environment.
- To provide comprehensive information of a multi-factorial falls risk assessment relating to the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that cause falls and how these are applied in everyday practice.
- To increase recognition of the importance of risk assessments, effective communication and documentation and to provide a knowledge framework of when to receive advice and refer to specialist services using a range of assessment tools to assist staff with this process
- To facilitate staff in being able to follow procedures and care plans and careful monitoring and recording procedures to review the changes in individuals and/or the environment to minimise the risk of falls and fall related injuries
- To highlight that falls prevention needs to be multi-faceted and that addressing one risk factor will not achieve results and that successful falls prevention needs to be a team effort.
Falls Prevention for Care Home Managers and Team Leaders
Available Dates
- Tuesday 24November 2015 – 9.30am – 4.15pm
- Tuesday 22 March 2016 – 9.30am – 4.15pm
Course Philosophy
- To facilitate staff to reduce falls, fall related injuries and hospital admissions.
- To promote independence, health, well-being and quality of life for people who are at risk of falling.
- To support Care Home Managers to promote positive leadership, team work and commitment in implementing falls prevention measures.
Learning Objectives
- To support Managers to effectively manage falls risks within their care home.
- To increase awareness about falls risk factors and intervention strategies.
- To develop robust falls risk assessments and gain knowledge of a range of easy to use falls risk assessment tools designed for care homes.
- To have an understanding of the legal framework including NICE, HSE Guidelines and The Care Act 2014 relating to falls management and to work within these guidelines.
- To support Managers to comply with CQC Regulations in relation to falls management.
- To promote effective communication and documentation.
- To review or develop fall prevention policies and procedures.
- To ensure the workforce has the right skills and training to effectively manage falls.
- To have an awareness of best practice post-fall management guidelines.
For more information or to book your place visit www.i-share.org.uk or ring 01634 334429.