Mental Capacity Act Module 2 – Supporting Decision Making
Course Objectives:
• Participants will be reminded of the 5 Statutory Principles underpinning the Mental Capacity Act 2005
• Participants will know who a decision maker is under the Mental Capacity Act 2005;
• Participants will explore practice issues and techniques to supporting decision-making, including planning for future needs;
• Participants will understand the criteria for appointing Statutory Independent Mental Capacity Advocates
Learning Outcomes:
• Participants will understand the principles of establishing effective working relationships with adults with care and support needs;
• Participants will be able to identify different ways of supporting decision-making;
• Participants will understand the principles of positive risk-management and apply these to maximise decisional autonomy;
• Participants will have knowledge of different types of advance decisions, including the appointment of Lasting Power of Attorney, and be able to support service user’s to make future plans accordingly;
• Participants will understand their obligation to make referrals for appointing Statutory Independent Mental Capacity Advocates when the criteria are met.
A combination of specific teaching input, case studies, group work and experiential learning. This requires a high level of participation, energy and focus from participants. Participants are expected to use the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences around supporting vulnerable adults.
Legislative and Policy Framework:
• Mental Capacity Act 2005
• The Human Rights Act 1998
• Kent and Medway Multi-agency Adult Protection Policy, Protocols and Guidance (January 2015)
• CQC Guidance 1st April 2015)
Duration: One-day All day attendance is required